Sunday, March 15, 2009 Andrew basically convinced me to do this. He'll probably be my only reader, and since this will probably be my only post (until I decide that even more people need to know all the little random details about my life that they've never cared to know - ever), I'd better make it a good one.

So this picture basically sums up what I think about blogs:

Bahaha. Sorry guys. But it's true. As evidenced by my lone reader, who will probably never come back.
Well, it's been fun. If there's ever another time that I'm trying to find as many pointless things that I can possibly do on the internet to avoid starting a paper that I have absolutely no idea how to write, you might see more from me.
But for now, I'll leave you with my thought of the day: Never drink warm Emergen-C. It's disgusting.


  1. This blog is full of win!

    I'll link it. That should get you at least 2.3 more readers.

    Also, I prefer Airborne anyway. Speaking of which, I better go have some right now. The entire cast of Brigadoon is apparently coming down with bronchitis. Although I suspect that has more to do with the stage and non-stage kissing than anything else.

  2. I'm still waiting for another post...
